WellO2 – Klinische Studien

Hier finden Sie abgeschlossene und laufende Studien mit dem WellO2 Atemtrainer.

Abgeschlossene Studien mit dem WellO2-Atemtrainer

Kuronen, I., Heinijoki, J. & Sovijärvi, A. (2023) Effects of Low Workload Respiratory Training With Steam Inhalation on Lung Function in Stable Asthma: a controlled clinical study. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 44, 100–111. https://doi.org/10.1111/cpf.12856

Wenning, J. (2021) The Effect of Resistance Inhalation Training on Respiratory Muscle Power Output, Endurance Performance And Perceived Strain in Submaximal Bicycle Ergometer Load And Breathing Training With Male Endurance Athletes. Jyväskylä University.

Huttunen, K. & Rantala, L. (2021) Effects of Humidification of The Vocal Tract and Respiratory Muscle Training in Women With Voice Symptoms – A Pilot Study. Oulu University. Publication pending.

Ihalainen, J.& Valtonen, M. (2021) The Effect of Resistance Breathing Training on Respiratory Parameters And Performance of Endurance Athletes. Jyväskylä University. Publication pending.

Ryynänen, H. (2022) WellO2-RHM-Device And MicroRPM-Device for Measurement of Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (MIP) And Maximum Expiratory Pressure (MEP). Jyväskylä University. Publication pending.

Mäkelä, T. (2022) The Effect of Resistance Inhalation Training on Respiratory Muscle Power Production And Aerobic Performance in Healthy, Physically Active Participants: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Jyväskylä University. Publication pending.


Laufende Studien mit dem WellO2-Atemtrainer

Anttalainen, U. & Saaresranta, T. The Effect Of Upper Respiratory Muscle Strength Training On Sleep Apnea Using The WellO2® Breathing Training Device. Turku University. Initial results expected in Q4/2024.

Hier finden Sie alle Studien, die den WellO2-Atemtrainer betreffen:
